[Lazarus] High-DPI aware LCL ?

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Wed Oct 7 12:49:38 CEST 2015

On 2015-10-07 11:37, Ondrej Pokorny wrote:
> It would be absolutely sufficient that 
> every window and control in the IDE is properly scaled and images are 
> resized with quality loss.

Bad quality icons totally ruin the look of any application. End-users
would be pretty darn disappointed as they judge every app visually.

> Maybe the best solution would be to buy a professional set of icons (via 
> some fund-raising e.g.). I don't think there is a volunteer who would 
> make 400+ icons for Lazarus...

Just as was done before (a couple years ago), when all Lazarus icons had
an overhaul. Nobody expects a single volunteer to do it all. Before we
had many people, myself included, chip in and create a few icons at a
time. After a couple weeks or months, they were all completed.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp

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