[Lazarus] Literature about REST

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizamericop at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 16:13:48 CEST 2015

2015-10-11 7:03 GMT-03:00 Koenraad Lelong <lazarus2 at de-brouwerij.be>:

> Op 08-10-15 om 17:23 schreef Luiz Americo Pereira Camara:
>>  > Hi,
>>  >
>>  > I would like to know more about web-programming with REST. Can anyone
>> recommend books or web-sites to read about it ? I virtually know nothing
>> about it.
>> I read this book
>> http://shop.oreilly.com/product/mobile/9780596805838.do
>> Its a good one, with a few shortcomings:
>> It uses examples with XML
>> Has a focus in HATEOAS. Particularly i dont buy HATEOS stuff, so i read
>> only until the CRUD service chapter.
>> I have some free books/resources about it. I can send later
>> Luiz
> Hi Luiz,
> I would like those extra resources you mentioned.

http://bitworking.org/news/How_to_create_a_REST_Protocol (search for its
archive for more articles)
https://dzone.com/refcardz/rest-foundations-restful (requires free
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd203052.aspx (skip WCF specific
(more advanced, about best practices)

I have tons of bookmarks some very specific or redundant. I can share anyway

Meanwhile I read some articles on the web, but I need more knowledge about
> html.
While REST is mostly used in web apps, is not tied to it. It's possible to
use, for example in desktop applications

PS: in the last years i read a lot about REST just to learn that is not a
closed concept / interface. Is more an  architecture  style based in some
principles. So don't despair if you feel lost or if some "Restful way" of
doing things does not match what you need or do.
In my case i threw away all the HATEOAS stuff keeping the rules of using
nouns in resource identifiers, using HTTP verbs and return codes etc. If is
Restful or not i don't know and don't care. It works for me.

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