[Lazarus] Lazarus implementation of TListView etc?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 16:33:00 CEST 2015

On Wed, 21 Oct 2015 14:38:54 +0200, Michael Schnell
<mschnell at lumino.de> wrote:

>On 10/21/2015 02:18 PM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> And even if you use the Win32 widgetset, you can still have a command 
>> line program.
>Of course any executable can be started from the command line. But I 
>don't suppose that this is what Bo meant when he said he wants do do a 
>"command line program".

Right, my target is a command line program started by cron and with no
user interaction whatever. Could be thought of as a service.

But when programming it I need to use existing classes from Delphi in
which I will use a subset of the functionality only. No functions
dealing with user interface will be used at all, but in the same class
is embedded the bulk of the communications protocol and data
interpretation and translation and these I do need.

In any case adding LCL solved the compile problem for that unit.

My development machine is now also the target, a Raspberry Pi2, with
FPC and Lazarus installed but it is headless. So my interface is PuTTY
for command line work in Raspbian Jessie and for GUI (= Lazarus) I use
tightvncserver on the Pi and TightVNCclient on Windows 7.

It works fine except for some small glitches like the inability to
type { } [ ] $ @ \ | into the Lazarus code editor. I have to open the
system text editor and type it there then copy paste it into the
Lazarus editor....
It seems to be some kind of problem with the way keystrokes are sent
in VNC and interpreted in the Lazarus code editor.
I can enter these chars into the Lazarus property editors of GUI
components though as well as in the Raspbian Text editor, all via VNC.

There is a separate thread about this here...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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