[Lazarus] Desktops and multiple source editors

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Thu Sep 10 09:57:59 CEST 2015

On Thu, 10 Sep 2015, Ondrej Pokorny wrote:

> On 10.09.2015 08:34, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> The need in Delphi to always open a package in a project group is terribly 
>> annoying, so Lazarus should definitely not make the same mistake.
>> Michael. 
> Then you are probably using project group wrongly. The packages are saved in 
> the project group. So if you open a project group, the packages from the 
> project group are opened and all others are closed. I keep packages that are 
> relevant for the project in the project group.

For small numbers, I agree. I do the same.

But there are over 200 relevant packages (400 if I take third-party ones as well) 
in my typical project.

This is simply impossible to work with in a single project group.
So the packages are divided over "logical" project groups, 
but then the project groeps do not contain all relevant packages.

> I find this useful. But it depends on the work flow, of course.

I understand why they did it, but it is misguided.

Another example:

For instance, you will usually not add the synapse package to the project group.
But you want to open it occasionally without adding it to the project 
group or losing the current project group.

So no, Lazarus should not do this.


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