[Lazarus] *SPAM* Re: Cross-compiling for Raspberry Pi2

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Sep 21 15:08:12 CEST 2015

On 09/21/2015 02:56 PM, Sven Barth wrote:
> Just for clarification: Synchronize() is not only for GUI....

Same is true for TThread.Queue and Application.QueueAsyncCall, as well. 
All three (from the user's  point of view) do similar stuff: schedule an 
event that is executed in the main thread at an appropriate point in time.

But TThread.Queue and TThread.Synchronize is implemented in the fpc RTL, 
while Application.QueueAsyncCall, is implemented in the LCL. And the LCL 
Queue management is only available when attaching to a GUI (even though 
it is possible to do a *new* Widget Set with that functionality without 
a GUI binding).


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