[Lazarus] Controls without a TCustomXClassname

Fabio Luis Girardi fluisgirardi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 20:24:00 CEST 2016


Some time ago, I asked if TApplication.UpdateMainForm should accept a
TCustomForm as parameter instead of TForm. The answers on this topic make
me understand this decision.

But now, extending some controls of LCL (including some kind of security on
it), and some of then, don't have a TCustom<ClassName> as ancestor. Some
controls that don't have:

** TScrollBox
** TDBText
** TDBEdit
** TNotebook (and TPage)

Currently I'm extending the controls of DB Controls palette, so  I think
that has more controls without the TCustom<ClassName> ancestor.

So, this is a bug or Is a design decision?

The best regards,

Fabio Luis Girardi
PascalSCADA Project
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