[Lazarus] Problem with non-ascii chars fpc-3.0.0 vs fpc-3.1.1 under Windows

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Wed Apr 27 20:30:43 CEST 2016

Just run into problem with fpc-3.0.0, OS Windows-10 64bit, 32bit 
application, lazarus trunk qtlcl and win32 ws both have same problem.

fpc-3.1.1 (18.01.2016) is correct - both running from lazarus or as 

fpc-3.0.0 is not correct in both cases (even worse if running from 
lazarus, then GetEnvironmentVariableUTF8 returns garbage instead of
letter Ž.

fpc-2.6.4 - works just fine.

My project doesn't use anything special - pure empty project with one 
form and TMemo - no extra settings like -FcUTF8 or similar, using mode 
delphi ....

Problematic part is line with CACHEDIR= (see screenshoots) which is 
correct with 3.1.1 and it returns correct path from this function:

function GetCacheDir_: String;
   s: string;
   s1: string;
   Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathDelim + '.holobit';
   // fpc-3.1.1 returns correct values here, while fpc-3.0.0 NOT
   // if environmentvariable contains non-ascii chars
   s := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOMEDRIVE');
   // added s := s+ to fit into mail ...
   s := s + GetEnvironmentVariable('HOMEPATH')+PathDelim+'.holobit';
   SetLength(s1, length(s));
   OEMToAnsiBuff(@S[1], @S1[1], length(S1));
   Result := S1;

So, my question would be: is it known bug in 3.0.0 and will be fixed in 
3.0.2 or it's already merged in fixes_3_0 or I can sit and cry...or I'm 
missing something ?



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