[Lazarus] German umlauts in component names

Santiago A. svaa at ciberpiula.net
Sat Apr 2 14:16:51 CEST 2016

El 02/04/2016 a las 12:32, Special escribió:
> Why? What's so bad with TButton.Name "StraßeButton" to select "Straße"
> in, for instance, a school program for german kids?
Messing with ascii codes above 127 is a problem. Look the mess in
strings with different char code sets.
Are we going to spread that mess to identifiers?

In html (prior html5), you must say at the beginning of html the
document  the charset. If you don't, the reader reads crap. Something
similar should be done. You would need to make compulsory a command in
source code to tell which code set is using. As log as unit and program
name could also be "áéíóú", it should be the first command of the source

Anyway, that would we another programming language.


svaa at ciberpiula.net

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