[Lazarus] TsWorkshetGrid isn't scrolling enough

Frans fjf.vanleeuwen at quicknet.nl
Tue Apr 5 21:33:56 CEST 2016


I used Laz 1.6/FPC 3.0  on Win7. I'm not sure wich version of fps, I think 1.6.

Frans van Leeuwen
M 06-51695390

Op 05-04-2016 om 21:16 schreef Werner Pamler:
>> I have a form with a TsWorksheetGrid and a TEdit component. It loads data from a xls file and the 
>> grid is filled as aspected.
>> I want to use the TEdit field to search for an unknown row, based on the content of the 4th 
>> column. The whole idea is that the Grid react on every character in TEdit. I use the method 
>> Edit1OnChange:
>> So far so good. I start filling TEdit and after the first character ('h) the grid is responding 
>> perfecty. The first row where column 4 starts with that character becomes visible. But when I 
>> enter the second character ('u', TEdit shows 'hu'), the cellcursor goes to the newer row, but the 
>> scrolling of the grid is insufficient. The new row is not visible.
>> More strange is that a second attempt, after positioning the cursor in the top of the grid, 
>> succesfull is, the grid is now scrolling as aspcted.
> I'm sorry - I cannot reproduce this behavior, on my system the row scrolls perfectly into view. I 
> tested your demo with fps-trunk / Laz-trunk / fpc-3.0 and fps-1.6.1 / Laz-1.6 / fpc-3.0, both on 
> Win 7. What are your fpspreadsheet / Lazarus / FPC versions? On which operating system?
> --
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