[Lazarus] 1 keypress gives multiple letters ONLY in program written in Lazarus in raspbian jessie Pi 2

JuuS JuuS at mykolab.ch
Sat Apr 9 16:02:42 CEST 2016

On 04/09/2016 12:41 PM, Dennis wrote:
> In the past, the same program (written in lazarus ) running in the same
> hardware pi 2 under the older raspbian version has NO PROBLEM.
> But the SD Card was corrupted so I installed the latest raspbian OS
> jessie on the same Pi 2 on a new SD Card.
> I reinstalled everything (e.g. mysql etc) and my program and it runs
> fine EXCEPT that pressing a key once will gives multiple letters.
> BUT this problem only occurs with my program.   

Remote possibility: do you have ibus installed and running? If so try
"ibus exit".


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