[Lazarus] Source Editor font size

Vojtěch Čihák vojtech.cihak at atlas.cz
Fri Apr 22 14:27:05 CEST 2016

And there are two combos "Extra line spacing" and "Extra char spacing" with predifned values 0, 1, 2. However they accept any value (-4, 5 etc.)
Maybe this feature is hidden for some users.
> Od: Graeme Geldenhuys <mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk>
> Komu: Lazarus mailing list <lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org>
> Datum: 22.04.2016 14:05
> Předmět: [Lazarus] Source Editor font size

1) I remember years back you could specify the editor font as a
   positive value (point size) and a negative value (pixel size). This
   doesn't seem possible with v1.7 any more. Why was that removed?

2) Why can't I specify point sizes with a decimal? eg: 10.5pt
   For example: I just switched my editor to DejaVu Sans Mono (from
   Raize) because I needed to work with unicode text. The font size
   changed drastically between to the two fonts. DejaVu Sans Mono 10pt
   is now too small, and 11pt is too big. I would like 10.5 (like I've
   done in other text editors I use). Or better yet, specify the font
   size in pixels.


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