[Lazarus] Example of full screen console program anywhere?

Paul Breneman list2010 at BrenemanLabs.com
Tue Apr 26 00:29:05 CEST 2016

On 04/25/2016 10:31 AM, Sven Barth wrote:
> Am 25.04.2016 16:59 schrieb "Bo Berglund" <bo.berglund at gmail.com>:
>> I need to create a console program, but one that works similar to the
>> nano editor, the gpsd position/satellite view or raspi-config on a
>> Raspberry Pi.
>> I.e. the program manages the full terminal screen and displays its
>> data in certain areas on screen and reads keystrokes as commands for
>> controlling the program.
>> I once did such programs on Windows using BASIC, but that was before
>> Windows appeared and I have all but forgotten how it was actually
>> accomplished....
>> So I am looking for some examples to start off where the cursor for
>> writing is positioned on the screen in order to put output data in
>> certain places and commands can be entered without moving the
>> displayed screen.
>> Is there such an example for FPC/Lazarus available somewhere?
>> Target is Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi3 and I cannot use any GUI system
>> for this because it must be accessed remotely via SSH (PuTTY) over a
>> slow link that does not work decently with the graphical interface.
> One example would be the Free Pascal's text mode IDE that you can find in
> the compiler's sources in ide/. It uses the Free Vision component system
> that's an open source clone of Turbo Pascal's Turbo Vision (FV is also part
> of FPC).

About two years ago (on 26 May 2014) I put together a mini FPC 
distribution that compiled the FP IDE:

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