[Lazarus] how to modify or add component after Application.Run method?

Mr Bee pak.lebah at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 24 09:45:48 CET 2016

Common Lazarus project source code contains this snippet:
begin  Application.Initialize;
  Application.CreateForm(TForm, Form1);  Application.Run;end. 

Adding code to modify or add components of/into Form1 after the Application.Run method will be ignored because it's out of the application's main thread. So, is there a correct and safe way to do it?
begin  Application.Initialize;
  Application.CreateForm(TForm, Form1);  Application.Run;  // how to make below code be executed?  Form1.Caption := 'My caption';  Form1.Edit1.Text := 'My text input';  MyLabel := TMyLabel.Create(Form1);  MyLabel.Parent := Form1;  MyLabel.Caption := 'My runtime label';  // or one could add any arbitraty code hereend. 
 Thank you. :)
–Mr Bee
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