[Lazarus] Lazarus compile project via ssh?

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 13:02:12 CET 2016


Regarding a script to setup FPC 3.0.0 and Lazarus on a virgin Pi, you might
want to try my Pi installer script at this location:


The script doesn't require super user rights, it asks where you want to put
FPC 3.0.0 and Lazarus (recent trunk revision) below you home folder (e.g.
/home/pi/Development/FreePascal). It will guide you through installing the
pre-requisites for FPC and Lazarus on Raspbian (make, gdb, gtk pixbuf) and
is reduced  in install size speifically for the Pi.

About keeping sharing files on your PC <-> Pi, I use sshfs to share folders
between the Pi and my Linux development PC. The share can go either
direction, but can be configured it go either way. Maybe this maybe will
help ...

On the Pi:

sudo rasp-config

Go to advanced and turn on ssh server.

On your Linux desktop install sshfs.

sudo apt-get install sshfs

Then you can mount the Pi file system

mkdir $HOME/pi
sshfs mount pi at 192.168.XX.XX:/home/pi $HOME/pi

Where 192.168.XX.XX is the local IP address of your Pi. You can then access
you Pi folder through $HOME/pi on your desktop PC.
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