[Lazarus] New menu designer. which style do you prefer?

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Mon Jan 11 10:21:04 CET 2016

On 11.01.2016 10:09, Anthony Walter wrote:
> No matter where I click it always shows the same pattern: ugly blue 
> check board below, ugly aliased triangles to the right.

Can you please define "ugly" in an objective way?

I can say the same about your approach: "/No matter where I click it 
always shows the same pattern: ugly slanted gray lines below and the 
same to the right./"

> The pattern inside the rectangle make no difference. It's purely a 
> distraction which will probably have people wondering why it's even 
> being drawn differently.

IMO, it is very clear, again:
- Arrows: new submenu item.
- Squares: new sibling menu item.

You have the same pattern for both submenu and siblings. If you don't 
like the current patterns, propose 2 different patterns (or images) for 
submenu/sibling as well.

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