[Lazarus] Web vs desktop development

Jürgen Hestermann juergen.hestermann at gmx.de
Sat Jan 16 13:56:08 CET 2016

Am 2016-01-15 um 19:16 schrieb JuuS:
 > I've always been of the opinion that the web is great for displaying
 > information. To use it as the central processor bugs me.


 > When I ask my program to do something I want the attention of the
 > processor. I don't want it going over the web (security issues) and then
 > asking for some perhaps overworked server processor time.

I think it is even worse:
When code is run on the web server then it cannot infect my local machine.
But todays web pages use scripting more and more (which I mostly block
with NoScript). In this case I would download and run code with each and
every click. In terms of security this is a nightmare!

With local software I can do backups so I can go back to a system that works
in case something smashed it. I have full control and can use it offline too.
I would do changes only seldom (if everything runs ok),
i.e. I have switched off most update mechanism (including Windows updates).
No need to change a running system.

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