[Lazarus] [PATCH] components/turbopower_ipro: added the Iphttpbroker and its example

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Mon Jan 25 21:08:40 CET 2016

On Mon, 25 Jan 2016, silvioprog wrote:

> Many units in Free Pascal and Delphi uses C libraries... when aren't using
> a C library (an API system call, an third party library call, etc.), are
> using assembly, ie, mostly time Pascal is used as a high-level language to
> consume some low-level code written in C or assembly.

There is a simple reason: 
Debugging and bugfixing is a lot easier if all the code is in pascal.

Most libraries are a black box. 
I don't think I've purchased a library/package that didn't contain bugs,
which I had to debug manually and fix.

Old timers as X, libc, pthreads and more such oldtimers will generally be 
bug-free, but there is lots of code out there with a less good track record.


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