[Lazarus] Grid Cell Editors

Tony Whyman tony.whyman at mccallumwhyman.com
Fri Jul 1 12:16:16 CEST 2016


The protected virtual method TCustomGrid.DoEditorShow is a good place to 
put any actions you want to take place just before the editor is shown - 
but you need to override the method to do this and add your code before 
the inherited method is called. This is how I created a DBGrid that 
changed the row height before showing the editor.

You probably need to create your own custom component to do this properly.


Tony Whyman

On 01/07/16 11:07, Vojtěch Čihák wrote:
> Hello,
> I use TStringGrid with my own cell editors and I would like to implement following feature:
> Column of edited cell will be automaticaly enlarged when cell editor appears (and auto-shrinked afterwards).
> But I do not use goAlwaysShowEditor and grid triggers OnSelectEditor events even if it actually is not going to show editor.
> (the first click selects cell, triggers OnSelectEditor but no editor is shown yet,
>   the second click on the selected cell triggers OnSelectEditor again and now editor appears).
> I need to detect in OnSelectEditor whether the grid is really going to show the editor.
> So far I have this:
> TStrGridAccess = class(TStringGrid);  {for access to protected properties}
> if (TStrGridAccess(Sender).FGridState=gsSelecting) and not TStringGrid(Sender).EditorMode
>    and not (gfNeedsSelectActive in TStrGridAccess(Sender).GridFlags) then writeln('Now!');
> It seems to be reliable but of course, it's a hack. Is there a better way?
> Thanks, V.

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