[Lazarus] GTK 3.0

Juha Manninen juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 13:54:45 CEST 2016

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Erwin van den Bosch <erwin at deseine.nl> wrote:
> I have read enough! Forget GTK3 (and GTK4).

Yes, I also think they plan to break it too often. However I believe
it makes the API better.
Honestly, GTK 2 is not a very good API.
This is about balance between keeping things stable and improving things.
In Lazarus POW it is irrelevant because the bindings are needed anyway.

> I was considering helping to implement the GTK 3 widget set in Lazarus but
> after some studies and reading I think we might better put our energy in the
> QT 5 implementation.

Yes, QT 5 bindings also need contributions.
Especially the C++ > C-library bindings (used by Pascal) issue must be
solved. The earlier library was made manually and its author will not
continue it.
A new solution should use one of the existing binding generators.
Please subscribe to qt-lazarus mailing list if you are interested.

> After 32 years of graphical desktops on Unix we still have no stable widget
> set! :-(

Xlib API is stable. The other widgetsets are also stable enough.
Think of it, both Xlib and Win32 APIs have been stable for a long
time. Which do you prefer:
1. Nice modern object oriented API which breaks sometimes to keep it clean.
2. Xlib and Win32 stable APIs for eternity.

I choose option number 1.


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