[Lazarus] A new PascalTZ - time zone database for FPC / Lazarus

Denis Kozlov dezlov at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 19:03:14 CEST 2016


I have forked PascalTZ <https://github.com/dezlov/PascalTZ> library about a
year ago with a goal to fix many parsing and time zone conversion problems,
refactor existing code and implement a testing framework.

This work has just finished with a milestone release of PascalTZ 2.0
<https://github.com/dezlov/PascalTZ/releases/tag/v2.0>. Master branch also
contains a design/runtime package for Lazarus IDE.

PascalTZ 2.0 is backward compatible with code written for PascalTZ 1.0, but
the usage has been somewhat simplified with addition of new methods:

> // Load time zone database from "tzdata" directory
> PascalTZ.DatabasePath := 'tzdata';
> // Convert current time in Paris to Chicago time
> PascalTZ.Convert(Now, 'Europe/Paris', 'America/Chicago');

Should the old PascalTZ in Lazarus CCR
<https://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus-ccr/files/PascalTZ/> be removed
and the PascalTZ article <http://wiki.freepascal.org/PascalTZ> on the wiki
reflect the new home?

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