[Lazarus] Target Survey

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Wed Jul 20 12:01:02 CEST 2016

On 07/19/2016 09:20 PM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> I don't think so. MSEgui also supports a combination of treeview and 
> grid ...

A friend of mine uses Python and just did some tests with a new (or 
updated to the current Python version) GUI toolkit.

Here a kind of "Grid" is done in a hierarchical way and seems to be the 
main building blocks of the GUI. E.g. a grid in a grid's field is the 
standard way of designing, and Buttons etc usually seem to be placed in 
grid fields.

Supposedly this is similar to how HTML pages can be designed.

Maybe FireMonkey (I don't ave a Delphi XE) works in a similar way, and 
yet maybe implementing of FireMonkey makes sense for Lazarus...


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