[Lazarus] How to play audio from memory.

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Tue May 17 09:13:11 CEST 2016

On 2016-05-16 22:37, Donald Ziesig wrote:
> Unfortunately, the version I have on the Pi doesn't have the units for 
> openssl and fpopenssl.

I doubt it is UOS that needs those dependencies. They have nothing to do
with Sound, but rather Encryption and Security. It is most likely
something in your project pulling in those dependencies.

> the code tree that references those units.  Do you know if Lazarus has a 
> way to show the units used when a compilation fails?

Do a Build All instead of a standard Compile. Then right click in the
IDE's Messages window and select "Copy -> Copy All Messages". Paste the
clipboard to some text editor and review all the units compiled.

It would be nice if Lazarus IDE has an option to show unfiltered output
in the Messages window, but I haven't figured out if this is possible or
now. Older versions of Lazarus use do do that.


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