[Lazarus] Detect that component selected in OI.

Howard Page-Clark hdpc at talktalk.net
Sat May 21 20:18:35 CEST 2016

On 21/05/16 18:48, Vojtěch Čihák wrote:

> is there some event (message or method) triggered when component is selected in OI?
> It's just like PageControl and its TabSheets. When you select TabSheet in OI, component
> is repainted in form designer. I oberved the code but I didn't find solution.

TObjectInspectorDlg has several public properties that may help:

Selection: TPersistentSelectionList
OnSelectionChange: TNotifyEvent
OnSelectPersistentsInOI: TNotifyEvent

also a boolean property EnableHookGetSelection which gives you access to 
protected get/set selection handlers.

There are possibly other relevant methods too, it is a complex class.

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