[Lazarus] Memo.Lines.Add seems to be slow with Lazarus 1.6

Michael W. Vogel m-w-vogel at gmx.de
Wed Nov 2 23:24:54 CET 2016

I have made a bug entry and added there a first patch (its not the final 
one, but its late here now). Can you check, if it fixes the speed on 
your OS too (I have tested only Windows 7 for now)?


Thank you for your feedback!

Kind regards


Am 02.11.2016 um 20:26 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus:
> On 2016-11-02 18:43, Luca Olivetti via Lazarus wrote:
>> Maybe it's overkill, but it's necessary under windows,
> Welcome to the benefits of custom components where you can easily
> outperform native components.
> Just curious, has anybody tried the TMemo of LCL-CustomDrawn widgetset?
> I know the LCL-CustomDrawn components are still far from being useful in
> real-world applications, but how does that TMemo perform against the
> other native widgetsets? Or is the regression in some LCL TMemo common code?
> I tried LCL-fpGUI with Bernd's code snippet, and it is dog slow, but
> that is because Memo.Lines.BeginUpdate..EndUpdate doesn't do anything to
> the fpGUI rendering performance. fpGUI has "native"
> Memo.BeginUpdate..EndUpdate methods (at widget level - irrespective of
> the internal list class used). I'll see if I can fix LCL-fpGUI's TMemo
> in that regard, so it calls the appropriate BeginUpdate..EndUpdate.
> Regards,
>    Graeme

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