[Lazarus] Help System with Chromium Embedded component

vfclists . vfclists at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 20:25:08 CET 2016

On 6 November 2016 at 23:20, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On 2016-10-21 09:58, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus wrote:
> > It was surprisingly hard to find a solution, especially something
> > cross-platform. In the end I researched help formats with the goal to
> > implement our own help viewer. We looked at Microsoft's HLP, CHM
> > formats, IBM's INF, OpenOffice's help, Gnome's help sytem and a few
> others.
> I thought I should elaborate on this process a bit, after reading
> Frank's last message - in case somebody else gets the wrong impression.
> The research wasn't a quick search on the Internet one afternoon.
> Cross-Platform Help was very important to my employer. We spent 3 months
> researching and evaluating help viewers and help formats. We did
> extensive testing and looking at all aspects around help - from ease of
> authoring help, efficiency of file formats, file sizes and help viewers.
> After all that, I think we came up with a very good choice, and a
> solution that ticked all our requirements. My employer was also kind
> enough to donate back all the work that was put into it, hoping others
> would benefit from this. After all, they benefited hugely from all the
> effort others put into Free Pascal and Lazarus.
> Regards,
>   Graeme
> --
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I am not questioning the value of the INF format, DocView and other
associated utilities. I am just trying to say that this is the current
state of affairs today, and for the last 20 years as well, where the
computing industry has been try to shoehorn every da*n thing into
Javascript and HTML, and who knows what the industry "leaders" will come up
in their bid to fit square pegs into round holes and channel users into
their increasingly restricted systems? I mean the latest thing now is
WebAssembly which shows how ridiculous the whole business has become. It is
not a fault on Lars end that he sees CEF as the best way to provide help.
It is just the way things are. Computing environments have gone full retard
in service of the browser and the web.

BTW, is there an INF to HTML convertor that would enable documentation to
be developed in INF then translated to HTML for those who want dumbed down
display systems?
Frank Church

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