[Lazarus] Help System with Chromium Embedded component

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sat Nov 12 00:23:10 CET 2016

On 2016-11-11 22:46, Lars via Lazarus wrote:
> Would the current help systems be even capable of looking like that?  Must
> be just a few div boxes.  Really simple, interesting color shades. No
> fancy garbage, just simple boxes of text.

I don't know how much CSS the HTML component in LHelp supports. But if
you look at the source of that website, they actually use HTML tables to
do most of the layouting.

Looking at the following page...


Also Free Pascal's fpdoc already generates all that same information:
  * summary line (name, one line description and unit name)
  * declaration
  * Description
  * extra notes
  * example code
  * See also (related commands)

The fpdoc linear output writers (LaTeX, INF etc) formats the above
information quite neatly. Then again, I thought we were talking about
application help which could take on a whole different layout compared
to technical API documentation.

As for the color they used. Yes, they are nice pastel colors, but they
don't really add much value. If the headers were more prominent (larger
and nicer font), then the colored boxes probably wouldn't be needed.

By using colour like that, you are also limiting your audience - eg:
what about colour blind people? Just take a look at this web page and
see what different color vision deficiency can do to the same image.



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