[Lazarus] Teaching Pascal at College

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Oct 17 10:52:14 CEST 2016

On 14.10.2016 16:10, Jürgen Hestermann via Lazarus wrote:
> In most cases they never get to the step "find out how it works".
> If it works, nobody wants to invest time anymore to look under the hood.
> So they always operate on the surface and repeat the same
> subobtimal programming over and over again
> because they don't know how to do it better.
That is absolutely correct.

But the point where the "knowing how it works" is just a matter of 
deliberate choice (or the professor, the student or the situation you 
get in and need to crawl deeper into the complexity of the matter.-

  - do I need know how/why the GUI builder creates the code that makes a 
Button visible on a Form and  my Event handler be called when a button 
is pressed ?  (I.e. do I need to be able to write the code myself 
without the help of the GUI builder ?)

  - do I need to know how the startup code works that make the Form 
visible on the screen ?

  - do I need to know how the Event-Queue and the checksynchronize() 
system works ?

  - do I need to know what system, calls the pascal program performs ?

  - do I need to know what ASM code is generated from a pascal 
instruction ?

  - do I need to know how semaphores are done by atomic instructions ?

  - do I need to tell the difference between CISC and RISC ?

  - do I need to know what microcode the CPU runs ?

  - do I need to know how a transistor works ?

  - do I need to know how dotating silicone is done ?

In most cases it's better to first concentrate on the task at hand and 
dig deeper if necessary.


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