[Lazarus] Windows and german Umlauts: why do i have to PWideChar(UTF8Decode(String)) and not UTF8ToAnsi(String)

Landmesser John jmlandmesser at gmx.de
Tue Oct 18 10:46:59 CEST 2016

Am 18.10.2016 um 09:36 schrieb Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus:
> That is NOT the same as PWideChar(UTF8Decode(String))?
> Obviously, because one produces an 8-bit string and the other a 16-bit
> string. How do you compare the result?

I compare the results by open the *.csv file in Excel 2003 and see no 
correct "Grünberg"
Note: my Editor "TextPad" shows  "PC UTF8" as file encoding if i use 

> What compiler version?

Sorry,  forgot  that:

Lazarus 1.7 latest trunk FPC 3.0.0 i386-win32-win32/win64

Windows XP

> Are you using LazUTF8?

Where to look for that?
"Alle Dateien haben bereits die richtige Kodierung" -> UTF8

>   What is your DefaultSystemCodePage?
> Mattias

in Systemsettings language its: "Automatisch ( oder Englisch)"

So the answer seems to be:
"one produces an 8-bit string and the other a 16-bit "

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