[Lazarus] Teaching Pascal at College

Lars noreply at z505.com
Fri Oct 21 11:41:49 CEST 2016

On Fri, October 14, 2016 4:42 am, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk via Lazarus wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:18 AM, Michael Schnell via Lazarus <
> lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
>> On 13.10.2016 10:20, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus wrote:
>>> +1
>>> That would be the best solution. GUI programming is based on
>>> fundamentals than need to be understood first.
>> -1 !!
>> The OP explained that his main purpose is to introduce more fun in the
>> education.  That can be done by plunging into programming directly with
>> GUI
>> development.
>> This is why RAD had been invented.
>> Of course there are decent drawbacks regarding relying too much on RAD
>> and about not really understanding the fundamentals behind it.
>> But in the end the addressees are non-computer engineers.
>> -Michael
>> --
>> _______________________________________________
> As an engineer , they need to write programs for doing computations not
> available in ready-made packages . Therefore , they need to a sufficient
> knowledge to write programs . This can be achieved in a good balance of
> learning programming itself and GUI application .

The word engineer is so overloaded, that I hate it, with my guts.

What is an engineer? A guy "who makes stuff".. which pretty much describes
every single profession.

Do software engineers have to buy an APPEGA subscription? are they
registered as professional engineers and have to have a degree to prove

I think the word engineer should be kept for the oil and gas industry,
IMO, where buffoons engineer solutions to rape oil out of the ground.

I prefer the term programmer...

I made the mistake of thinking of myself as a software engineer at one
time, but I'm wondering... since engineering requires a membership with an
organization like APEGA, are software engineers misusing the engineer

Now, if you mean "engineer" as in someone who really does hold an APEGA
subscription and is using programming languages to control oil and gas
industry PLC's (logic controllers) then I can understand using engineer as
a title.

Honestly, I just hate the word engineer... as to me an engineer is a
vague, meaningless term.  It essentially means "guy who makes solutions to
problems" or "Guy who makes things"... But since engineers have to have an
APEGA subscription to be a valid engineer, why are programmers using the
term? It's leaked into the industry and profession, which was a big
mistake imo. I just prefer the term programmer. Not hacker. Not engineer.
I'm a programmer.

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