[Lazarus] Online Package Manager

noreply at z505.com noreply at z505.com
Wed Apr 12 14:56:19 CEST 2017

On 2016-10-04 07:35, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus wrote:
> On 2016-10-04 13:11, Balázs Székely via Lazarus wrote:
>>  I decided to implement the online package manager(opkman) or at least 
>> give
>> it a try.
> Not to deter from all your efforts, but I think there is already a
> brilliant solution called "Delphinus". It is an open-source replacement
> to the ridiculous one included with newer Delphi versions as standard.
> All that would be required is to port that code to work with Lazarus 
> (instead of Delphi IDE - or possible work with both IDE's).
> So, what's the benefit of Delphinus:
>   * there is _no_ central repository!
>   * You can publish new project without notifying the Delphinus
>     author
>   * It hooks into the Github API, so everything is automated.
>   * You can have a console app or IDE add-on to install
>     packages.


Is github okay with this idea though as they are really not a download 
system like sourceforge or google code...

They are more for source revision and not so much for final release 
downloads, although, this needs to be clarified as you can indeed just 
make a tag to release.. But as soon as you start distributing binaries 
on github, it sort of violates their policy. But, I suppose pacakages 
are not binaries like a final exe release of a program to be shipped.  
And lazarus/fpc is fairly uncommon and not very popular so github is 
likely not going to notice a bandwidth increase on their servers anyway. 
I think github is against becoming a download website to reduce their 
costs and focus on being a source revision system, not a distribution 
system like sourceforge.

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