[Lazarus] dynamic string proposal

Alexey aaa5500 at ya.ru
Wed Aug 16 14:22:20 CEST 2017

On 16.08.2017 12:51, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus wrote:
> When you propose a new string type "dynamicstring" you have to define these operators.

BTW, it will be good to have "Cstring" (or another name, not 
"dynamicstring") :

- [] operator is 0-based like Python/C

- s[i] is DWORD per char (for all Unicode chars from 0 to MaxDWORD codes)

PChar(s)/PWChar(s) wont work for it? so it is not ok idea? But this type 
can be compressed inside, eg in utf8. S[i] is DWORD outside. It is like 
some class.


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