[Lazarus] Lazarus Release 1.8

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Fri Dec 8 10:57:06 CET 2017

El 06/12/17 a les 20:15, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus ha escrit:
> The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.8.

I see that, while under linux there's no problem, under windows it 
cannot be built with fpc-2.6.4.
Now I managed to build it by transplanting the missing unicode units 
from fpc-3.0, but I'm not sure it will work correctly.
I guess I'll have to switch to fpc 3.0.4 but I still fear the unicode 
changes in 3.0 will bite me.

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology http://www.wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.3010)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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