[Lazarus] Lazarus Release 1.8

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Sat Dec 9 11:57:14 CET 2017

El 09/12/17 a les 00:41, Werner Pamler via Lazarus ha escrit:
> Am 08.12.2017 um 22:32 schrieb Juha Manninen via Lazarus:
>> How does it fail? Lazarus 1.8 was meant to still compile with FPC 2.6.4.
>> However with Lazarus trunk I would be happy to go ahead and forget 2.6.4.
>> If the fix for Lazarus 1.8 is easy, please upload a patch.
> Tested on Win32 where it fails in interfaces\win32\win32int because unit 
> "character" is not found. It is in rtl\objpas of fpc3.04, but not of fpc 
> 2.6.4, it came in with fpc 3.0.0

Yes, my dirty hack was to copy character.pas from fpc-3.0.0 (and all 
other needed units[*]) to interfaces\win32.
I also add to edit character.pas to add the missing resource strings and 
the definition of ENoConstructException

--- fpc-3.0.0/rtl/objpas/character.pas  2013-08-20 06:55:05.000000000 +0200
+++ laz_1_8/lcl/interfaces/win32/character.pas  2017-12-09 
11:51:22.606416879 +0100
@@ -195,6 +195,19 @@

+  SStringIndexOutOfRange        = 'String index %d out of range [1 - %d]';
+  SHighSurrogateOutOfRange      = 'High surrogate $%x out of range 
[$D800 - $DBFF]';
+  SLowSurrogateOutOfRange       = 'Low surrogate $%x out of range 
[$DC00 - $DFFF]';
+  SInvalidUTF32Char             = 'Invalid UTF32 character $%x. Valid 
UTF32 character must be in range [$0 - $10FFFF] except surrogate range 
+  SInvalidHighSurrogate         = 'Invalid high surrogate at index %d. 
High surrogate must be followed by a low surrogate pair';
+  SInvalidUnicodeCodePointSequence = 'Invalid unicode code point sequence';
+  SClassCantBeConstructed       = 'Class %s can not be constructed';
+  ENoConstructException = class(Exception);

[*] the complete list of missing units is

?       character.pas
?       unicodedata.inc
?       unicodedata.pas
?       unicodedata_be.inc
?       unicodedata_le.inc
?       unicodenumtable.pas
?       weight_derivation.inc

I know I'll have to upgrade to fpc 3 someday, but what worries me about 
it is my (and other 3rd party units) use of ansistrings as binary 
buffers. I did some quick tests some time ago an nothing seemed broken, 
but I'm somewhat reluctant since my software has to run unattended 24/7 
(or more like 24/5).
OTOH I can always keep a copy of fpc-2.6.4 and lazarus 1.6.4 recompile 
if something goes wrong.

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology http://www.wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.3010)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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