[Lazarus] Note to new high-DPI icons

Werner Pamler werner.pamler at freenet.de
Sun Dec 10 11:39:06 CET 2017

Am 09.12.2017 um 23:50 schrieb Vojtěch Čihák via Lazarus:
> I mean dark OS theme. See attached screeenshot. It was blue before, it 
> can be found on the 
> wiki: http://wiki.freepascal.org/Lazarus_Tutorial#The_Component_Palette
> Such blueish theme is IMO unusual, the most common themes are light 
> and dark grey (or black), sometimes with only a small saturation.
> I didn't know about Ally. I saw issues with icon-patches on bugtracker 
> opened by FTurtle, I thought he is author.

I contacted Ally and asked him to modify these icons.

Ally has been mentioned in contributions.txt with his real name since 
his first contributions. Now I added "component icons" to his name in 
the same way as it is done for the translators. But I don't agree with 
AlexeyT that we should list "Graphic designers" separately. I don't know 
if FTurtle is already listed, I don't know his real name.
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