[Lazarus] Debugging libraries which define generics.

Donald Ziesig donald at ziesig.org
Fri Dec 15 20:51:46 CET 2017

On 12/15/2017 01:33 PM, Martin Frb via Lazarus wrote:
> On 15/12/2017 18:29, Martin Frb via Lazarus wrote:
>> On 15/12/2017 15:46, Donald Ziesig via Lazarus wrote:
>>>  1. When the mouse hovers over a variable, the debugger (and program
>>>     being debugged) frequently crashes with the error:
>>>     "-data-evaluate-expression TCQPiece(ITEM)^" did not return any
>>>     result.
>>>     This is particularly annoying because it inevitably happens just
>>>     as I am getting close to finding a problem and I move the mouse
>>>     across the editor window :'(.
>>> These problems do not occur when debugging non-generic code.
>> This is an issue in gdb.
>> First make sure to use dward (debug info).
> ^^^ "dwarf"
>> You can try (if it currently compiles / its a package, install it)  
>> lazdebuggerfpgdbmi.lpk  (must be the one with gdbmi *and* fp)
> just remembered, not sure if this works for libraries (.so). You may 
> have to compile an app that includes the code directly.
Thanks Martin.  I changed all of the packages and the main project to 
use Dwarf3 and it looks as if it has solved the problem. 8-) I'll keep 
debugging and let you know if it reappears.


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