[Lazarus] Synedit Highligter: hide found character sequence

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Feb 6 12:42:34 CET 2017

Hi SynEdit Experts,

Doing a special kind of text editor (that in fact needs to feature an 
invisible signature for each word in the text):

Is it possible to do a highlighter that results in hiding the character 
sequences found by the highlighting criterion (in fact on screen 
replaces it by a blank) ?

Can we do software that with a cursor move event gets/finds the word 
under cursor plus the invisible "highlighted" string before that word ?

Can the highlighted / invisible character sequence be protected from 
being modified by the user's text editing actions ?

Is there a way to wrap the (visible) text to a predefined line length 
(using the usual line breaks as paragraph indicator) ?

If such features are not available does it make sense to do a local fork 
of SynEdit to implement such options or would a different implementation 
be more viable ?

Thanks for any comments !

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