[Lazarus] Synedit tab

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Feb 6 13:55:59 CET 2017

On Mon, 6 Feb 2017 13:21:04 +0100
Michael Schnell via Lazarus <lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On 06.02.2017 12:56, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus wrote:
> > I hope this helps:
> > http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_Packages#Package_states  
> Yep, perfect !
> So seemingly the green cross should mean "not used". 

The "Installed" was misleading. I changed to "Install".

The term "used" in this dialog is somewhat difficult, because there
are two sets of "used" IDE packages: The currently running and the
future (used when the IDE is rebuilt).
The left side (install) lists the future "used". Packages with a green
cross are new, i.e. not yet running packages.
> Great but 
> doubleclicking moves it to the uninstalled list and there seems no means 
> in the "Install/Uninstall Packages" menu to make it "used", or take you 
> to the menu where it can be set to "used" (and the IDE be recompiled).

The dialog is simple: left side will be installed.
Some packages of the right might be installed automatically due to



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