[Lazarus] In search of a component for holding a table of strings

guy barbier ngbarbier at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 20:52:32 CET 2017

why not use the TstringGrid component?

2016-12-29 19:02 GMT+01:00 Werner Pamler via Lazarus <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org>:

> Am 29.12.2016 um 16:59 schrieb Bart via Lazarus:
>> Hi,
>> I am in need of a component/clas that can hold a 2 dimensional "table"
>> of strings.
>> The dimensions are unknown at designtime: I read the data from a HTML
>> table.
>> The HTML reader provides events that give me the data of each cell,
>> and that  tell me whenever a row is started or closed.
>> The class should be able to:
>> - access individual "cellls" (read/write)
>> - add or insert a row (with an without data (TStrings and Array of
>> String must be supprted as the datatype)). Note: adding a row must be
>> possible when the dimensions of the table are yet unknown.
>> - upon adding a row, it should be able to extend the dimensions of the
>> table
>> - the strings itself may contain LineEndings
>> Not needed right now, but nice to have:
>> - add or insert a column (with an without data)
>> - upon adding a column, it should be able to extend the dimensions of the
>> table
>> - delete a row or column
>> I have no need for saving the table to disk in any way.
>> The program that uses this class should not need external libraries,
>> since I cannot install those on the target computer I need my program
>> on.
>> I botched up some class that can do this (good enough for my purposes,
>> but it's not nice code), but I was wondering if there already is some
>> component that is more suitable (and well tested) for this.
>> Using some sort of in memory dataset comes to mind, but I never use
>> databases in my programs at all, so I'm a complete novice on that
>> topic.
> fpspreadsheet? It even has a html reader, but might be an overkill though.
> Internally it uses a TAVLTree for storing the cells. This tree is extremely
> fast. Maybe you can build your class around it.
> Or the TVirtualGrid from grids.pas which is used internally by TCustomGrid
> and its descendants?
> --
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