[Lazarus] In search of a component for holding a table of strings
Lukasz Sokol
el.es.cr at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 11:19:33 CET 2017
On 05/01/17 17:10, Bart via Lazarus wrote:
> On 1/5/17, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I constructed a TStringTable class that does all I need (and more):
>> - insert, add, delete rows/cols
>> - autogrow colcount (with insertrow)
>> - exchange rows/cols
>> - get/set rows/cols
>> - property Cells[ACol, ARow]: string (read/write)
>> It can be found here:
>> http://svn.code.sf.net/p/flyingsheep/code/trunk/MijnLib/stringtable.pp
> Just implemented sorting.
> Bart
Hi Bart,
just having a look at the declaration, haven't skimmed through code yet,
do you also plan to add a TStringGrid-like interface for cols and rows
http://lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net/docs/lcl/grids/tcustomstringgrid.cols.html ?
(i understand that not all TStrings does, will make sense in table row/col context...
like we wouldn't want to let StringTable.Rows[rowindex].Strings[colindex].Delete
to delete the entire column, or shift the data to close the gap...)
I wonder why nobody thought of this kind of (non-visual) TStringGrid before ? :)
I guess the TStringGrid has become very visually-centered and it's not possible
to split the visual from non-visual there any more without serious work ;)
Kind Regards
el es
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