[Lazarus] Write array of byte data to TImage

noreply at z505.com noreply at z505.com
Thu Jun 29 12:54:14 CEST 2017

Is there any way to write array of bytes to a TImage?

LoadFromStream doesn't appear to work, as it does not contain, AFAIK the 
bitmap header information that would be stored in a file...

i.e. is there any way to write raw array data to a bitmap or TImage.

Sorry, I haven't worked with images much... I assume the problem could 
be that load from stream must accept properly formed bitmap file, 
whereas I may be trying to just write the byte array itself that is not 
a properly formed bitmap/jpeg/png file with header information or image 

RawImage.Data (PByte) is read only and cannot be written to AFAICT.

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