[Lazarus] Making sources compatible with Delphi (but Lazarus is priority)

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu May 4 19:53:40 CEST 2017

On 2017-05-04 15:56, Juha Manninen via Lazarus wrote:
> I have seen comments saying that treating UTF-16 as fixed width 
> encoding is OK because the characters outside BMP are so rare. It is 
> like saying that a buggy spreadsheet app is OK because it calculates 
> the sums wrong only sometimes. IMO such people should not do
> programming.

I purchased a commercial text editor renowned for having excellent
Unicode support - at least that is what ALL the reviews said. Umm
yeah, to my disappointment it internally uses UTF-16 (because it is
written in Delphi), and treats UTF-16 as 2-byte fixed width! WTF!

> I have not seen any feedback or comments about LazUnicode so far. I
> guess it means that nobody uses it. :(

You made me curious, so I want to take a look. Hopefully it doesn’t
depend too heavily on the rest of LCL, so I’ll be able to use it in
other projects of mine.


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