[Lazarus] what do i see left of the Scrollbar?

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu May 11 13:12:09 CEST 2017

On 2017-05-11 11:50, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus wrote:
> It is clickable :)

Umm, it doesn't work here. Clicking via LClick or RClick doesn't have 
any affect. I'm using Lazarus 1.7 r52715 FPC 2.6.4 x86_64-linux-gtk 2, 
running under CentOS 6.6.

Maybe I should update my Lazarus?

I then tested my Lazarus 1.9.0 r54792 FPC 2.6.4 x86_64-freebsd-gtk2 
system, and there the overview gutter is also not clickable.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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