[Lazarus] Code outline feature of the IDE

Werner Pamler werner.pamler at freenet.de
Fri Oct 20 12:53:52 CEST 2017

The new outline feature of the IDE in Laz 1.8 and trunk is extremely 
helpful in locating code block inconsistencies. I cannot imagine how I 
could have lived without it in older versions.

In my opinion, however, it is not always working correctly:

A "for" loop with a "begin"/"end" block ("for ... do begin end;") is a 
logical entity of the code; there is only a single semicolon which 
terminates this sequence. Therefore I'd expect all four keywords to be 
painted in the same color, no matter of how the code is formatted.

The IDE behaves differently, however. Look at screenshot "orig.png" 
which is taken from the current LCLtranslator.pas of trunk and 
essentially shows a "for" loop with a "begin"/"end" block. However, the 
author of this unit likes to put the "begin" into a new line and to 
indent it with respect to its "for" parent. Note that the IDE now 
switches color - "for...do" and "begin"/"end" are colored differently. - 
I think this is wrong

This changes if the indentation of "begin" is modified to match that of 
"for" (screenshot "modif-1.png"), or if "begin" is kept in the same line 
as "for" (screenshot "modif-2.png").  Now all three keywords are colored 
equally. - I think this is correct.

How can it be that the logical relation between keywords depends on the 
way of writing? Is this a bug? Or is it just that my understanding of 
the Pascal block concept is wrong?

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