[Lazarus] FPReport file names

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Wed Sep 13 10:06:18 CEST 2017

On 2017-09-12 19:01, Alexey via Lazarus wrote:
> It is new. Please rename (it's easy for new component) all files:
> usually its good with one prefix. E.g. fprep_*.*.

hahaha... I had the units like that, using underscores. eg: 
fpreport_export_aggpas.pas, fpreport_export_fpimage.pas etc.  Michael 
didn't like it, so it got renamed before it went into FPC Trunk. :)

The LCL related units could be prefixed though, as Michael mentioned.

Then again, maybe it's time FPC starts making use of namespaces and 
dotted unit names? Just a thought. In Delphi it is actually pretty 
useful and also stops unit name conflicts. FPC does need a bit more work 
though to fully support namespaces - at least the way Delphi uses it.


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