[Lazarus] Extending the IDE auto-coding functionality

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Mon Dec 17 19:07:18 CET 2018

On 17/12/2018 17:56, Werner Pamler via lazarus wrote:
> I'd turn these features off in the same way I turn off most of the 
> features when the IDE pretends to be able to guess what I am thinking. 

No, the difference between what I'm suggesting (how Eclipse works) is
that I have to manually trigger the suggestion list - be that via a
shortcut, or a icon in the gutter, or a right-click popup in the
Messages window. I don't want these suggestions to auto popup like the
class/method suggestions list eg: after I type a . (dot)), or auto code
template (eg: begin..end pairs). My suggestion it something always
manually triggered by the developer.

Think of it like the current "Refactoring" support. It's there, but only
if you manually trigger it.


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