[Lazarus] Form events firing order and count

Martok listbox at martoks-place.de
Wed Feb 21 00:40:10 CET 2018

> I will mention 1 case in point. Const parameters.
> For years, people mistakenly assumed that Const parameters were 
> be passed by reference if they were "big" (records), a behaviour which
> Delphi exhibited.
People actually believed that? When the documentation explicitly stated that var
parameters are the *only* byrefs, everything else being passed by value (which
technically makes the special case for large objects a bug)? Oh well.

One might argue if code is documentation for EOL products - they can't change
their minds about Turbo Pascal any more. And with the long standing policy of
being source-code compatible all the way back, that should mean something
regarding the same language constructs in current versions. But still, Delphi is
a moving target, and some things have long branched way past the point where one
might aim to be "compatible".

Why do I feel we're both arguing the same side here? ;-)


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