[Lazarus] Gtk2

Schindler Karl-Michael karl-michael.schindler at web.de
Fri Feb 23 11:27:56 CET 2018

Am 23.02.2018 um 10:56 schrieb lazarus-request at lists.lazarus-ide.org:
> Message: 6
> Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2018 10:50:50 +0100
> From: Adriaan van Os <fpc at microbizz.nl>
> To: Lazarus mailing list <lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org>
> Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Gtk2
> Message-ID: <5A8FE3FA.6030706 at microbizz.nl>
> Anthony Walter via Lazarus wrote:
>> Maybe homebrew as well. I've heard from most people that brew is better 
>> than ports.
> Thanks for the hint. I looked at <https://brew.sh/> but they don't even have a list of packages 
> without having to install their software, which requires OS X 10.10. Not for me.
> The MacPorts install of gtk2 worked for default x86-64 but not for +universal. And MacPorts is 
> quite unflexible when it comes to skipping (unneeded but failing) dependencies. So, I grabbed the 
> binaries from a server by hand. I have a FreePascal GTK applcation now running on OSX.
> Regards,
> Adriaan van Os

How about fink? If sources and prerequisites are available, I could have a go at a package description. I did so successfully for lazarus-gkt2.

Michael aka MiSchi.

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