[Lazarus] Carbon WS strange crash

AlexeyT aaa5500 at ya.ru
Sat Jan 6 16:47:51 CET 2018

I test CudaText carbon build. i do this:
- call Plugins/ AddonManager/ Install
- choose plugin "Config Toolbar", install it, close app
- call Plugins/ AddonManager/ Update (list of plugins)
- check here item of Config Toolbar, OK, plugin updates

but app shows er with SIGBUS
in carbonobject.inc:276

           if CarbonMenu.Parent.Dismissed=kHIMenuDismissedBySelection 
then begin
             FillChar(Msg{%H-}, SizeOf(Msg), 0);
             Msg.msg := LM_ACTIVATE;
             DeliverMessage(CarbonMenu.LCLMenuItem, Msg);
             if assigned(CarbonMenu.Parent) then  // if parent not closed
               CarbonMenu.Parent.Dismissed:=0; //--------------here
             Result := noErr;
           end else
             Result:=CallNextEventHandler(ANextHandler, AEvent);

who can help with with er in WS?
macOS 10.8.5.


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