[Lazarus] TESTERS NEEDED / ALL PLATFORMS / COPY AND PASTE / Re: Copy to clipboard from synedit

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sun Jul 15 12:29:57 CEST 2018

Those tests should be done WITHOUT

On 15/07/2018 12:27, Martin Frb via Lazarus wrote:
> On 15/07/2018 12:07, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus wrote:
>> It seems a fix is available but needs to be enabled using a define ?
> Please try with rev 58530
> To be tested:
> - Copy one word from synedit  to  synedit
> - Copy one word from synedit  to  TEdit or TMemo
> - Copy one word from synedit  to  libre office (or other external app)
> All of the above with multiline / full line
> All of the above in reverse
> All of the above with "column mode selection"
> Fold a begin/end (or any other) block in synedit.
> Copy a selection containing the entire folded block.
> Paste it in SynEdit => the pasted text should have the block folded 
> (assuming you did not disable this in options)
> =====================
> The old patch had a problem:
> It removed the #0 from any clipboard data. Including Text, images, 
> custom.
> But the LCL only added the extra to text (and only if added via "AsText")
> So any data added any other way, if it had a #0 (that was part of the 
> data) would be mangled.
> SynEdit adds custom data (to preserve folds).

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