[Lazarus] windows EStackOverflow if compiled with -WG

Andreas Frieß friess at gmx.at
Fri Jul 20 11:20:04 CEST 2018

I make a project according the sample in 

Compile the programm with -WG activated and started in Commandline 
direct, i got a EStackOverflow if i open the form in the dll

Compile the programm with -WG deactivated and started in Commandline 
direct, it runs normal

Compile the programm with -WG activate and started in Lazarus (with gdb) 
it runs normal

Compile the programm with -WG deactivate and started in Lazarus (without 
gdb), i got a EStackOverflow if i open the form in the dll

Any hints whats the diffence, or can happens ?


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